First Tuesdays Concert Series

We needed some new publicity stills to go along with our new album, and we were psyched when photographer Chester Simpson said he wanted to take them. A prolific contributor to Rolling Stone and onetime student of legendary rock-and-roll photographer Jim Marshall, Chester has taken portraits of most of the biggest names in pop music of the last 30 years.
Chester introduced us to The Old Town Theater in Alexandria VA. It is a beautiful old venue that has recently reopened for concerts. While we were there, we got to talking to the management and, badda bing badda boom, we’re playing a series of concerts there! The shows will be on the first Tuesdays of the month, starting in September, and will feature opening acts from the ranks of the Strathmore Music Center’s Artist in Residence program. It will be an exciting collaboration–and a way to introduce you to some terrific new artists we love.

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