by Charlie Barnett | Dec 3, 2012 | News, Uncategorized
At least for Chaise Lounge, that is how this show feels. We will be playing all our groovy Christmas songs at The Hamilton this Friday. Once we do that, I will eat cookies and pie all the way to New Year’s Eve…when we will be playing at the Kennedy Center!
by Charlie Barnett | Nov 27, 2012 | News, Press, Reviews
Chaise Lounge are now contributors to the vast world of Christmas albums with A Very Chaise Lounge Christmas (Modern Songbook), and if you like your holiday festivities to be a bit on the jazzy side, this is for you.
The songs on this range from the familiar to the slightly obscure along with new compositions, so you get to hear Marilyn Older grace her beautiful voice in tracks like “December 25″, “Good King Wenceslas”, “The Man With The Bag”, “Christmasville, U.S.A.”, and one of my all time favorites, “Little Drummer Boy”. It’s a chance for everyone in the group to shine in their own way, and even with the glut of Christmas music available, Chaise Lounge are capable of making these classics sound new again while exchanging them with new songs that will hopefully be recorded by others for years to come.
This is from some blog called “this is books music”
by Charlie Barnett | Nov 25, 2012 | News, Press, Reviews, Uncategorized
CHAISE LOUNGE/A Very Chaise Lounge Christmas: Nothing beats a non gloomy Christmas down at the bar. Lounging it up on originals and classics together, this is not strict 90s lounge revival sounds as the crew goes deeper into genre blending on their newest platter. Easy rolling stuff that has lounge, pop, rockabilly, honky tonk and smatterings of other left of center sounds that show us what space age pop is like in the 10s. As much as we loved them last time out, we love them even more now as this is a quasi-retro juggernaut of cool in top form. It’s so groovy you can play it year round. The hype sheet calls it an instant classic and they aren’t kidding. Check it out.
Chris Spector – Midwest Record –
![A Very Chaise Lounge Christmas]()
No one reviews the cover.. but they should
by Charlie Barnett | Nov 20, 2012 | News, Press, Reviews
![A Very Chaise Lounge Christmas]()
No one reviews the cover.. but they should
This just in from the esteemed jazz writer Ken Borgers (also a DJ at KKJZ in Long Beach, and A review of “A Very Chaise Lounge Christmas”
“Chaise Lounge is a delicious, subtle, swinging ensemble that, to borrow a phrase from Duke Ellington, is beyond category. Steve Allen’s hip “Cool Yule” and the Kay Starr hit “The Man with the Bag” will bring a smile to jazz fans, and “Mr. Santa” out-Chordettes the Chordettes. There’s even a non-annoying version of Garrison Keillor’s least favorite holiday song, “Little Drummer Boy,” which someone should pass along to him as proof that in the proper hands, anything can swing. Add a little rockabilly and a couple of reimagined classics and here, at last, is new music for the season!”
by Charlie Barnett | Nov 10, 2012 | News, Press
Thanks to everyone who came out to The Barns last night. That is my idea of big fun.
Hope we get to see you all in December for the Christmas show at the Hamilton. Santa hats will be worn